Master Brent J. Crisci's
Meet The UMAA Teaching Team
Lead by Master Brent J. Crisci, the Founder of the UNITED MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMIES chain of Dojos, this group of professional martial arts instructors share a combined 200 years of training! All certified & licensed Black Belts with accredited teaching certtificates. you can put your trust in them. The Teaching Team undergoes ongoing Instructor training and keep on pace with the latest, most modern teaching methods while continuing to honor an over thousand year old tradition.

Kyoshi Brent J. Crisci
Founder & HeadMaster
Kyoshi Crisci is acknowledged as a “Teacher of Teachers” and has appeared on CBS & NBC, as well as, in Black Belt & Karate International magazines and had a feature role in the film, “BULLET 17”. His unique method of instruction earned him the distinction of being the Instructor of the Year in 1992 from the World Martial Arts Organization. In addition, Kyoshi Crisci was recently recognized by the World Congress Of Martial Arts (WCOMA) with their 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award. Master Crisci came of of competition retirement in 2011 to join TEAM USA at The WORLD CUP 2011 in Cancun, Mexico were he Triple Crowned winning Gold medals in the Masters Fighting , Forms, & Weapons divisions. Kyoshi Crisci regularly provides business and instructional training videos to martial arts school owners and their teams, as well as many other businesses across the country. He is the founder and Head Coach of the TOP TEN Ranked TEAM KICKSUSA Competition/Demonstration team.
Outside of the martial arts Kyoshi Crisci is an Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver and enjoys dining wrecks around the world. Brent J. Crisci a.k.a The BULLY BUSTER appears regualrly on the television program RIDING STEEL and travels across New England on his Harley Davidson motorcycle doing Anti-Bullying presentations.
O: 207-621-0770
Shihan David Potter
Senior Master Instructor
In Memorium

Shihan Potter had been studying the martial arts for over 29 years. He held Master ranks in the arts of Kempo and Jiu Jitsu. He had traveled aorund the country studying from some of the greatest Martial Arts Grandmasters of our time. He ran the Yoshitsune Combat Jiu Jitsu programs for the State of Maine. Shihan Potter was also the Ongoing Head Master for our UMAA New Hampshire Dojos.

Master Ralph LeBlanc
Senior Master Instructor
O: 207-621-0770
Sensei Ralph LeBlanc is the head of our KARATE KIDS PROGRAM at the UMAA Augusta Hombu Dojo. He has been studying the martial arts for over 25 years and is a mentor to our junior Black Belt candidates. Sensei LeBlanc has come out of retirement to compete again at the age of 76 and is an inspiration to all our students that anything is possible.
O: 207-621-0770
Renshi Lisa Bell Ellis
Senior Instructor

Renshi Ellis is one of the senior ranking female Black Belts in the UMAA Dojos organization. She has been a member since being a teenager and served on our national competition team for many years
O: 207-621-0770
Renshi Nate Beal
Instructor Adult Program/ Escrima-Arnis

O: 207-621-0770
Instructor Trent Chandler
Instructor Young Tigers/ Escrima-Arnis

O: 207-621-0770
Instructor Tim Goodhue
Instructor All Programs

O: 207-621-0770
Renshi Rebecca Crisci

O: 207-621-0770
Coach Zoe Bard
Program Director Karate Kids
Sensei Shawn Malone

O: 207-621-0770
Coach Zoe Bard

O: 207-621-0770
Coach Hannah Marshall